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Frequently Asked Questions


Do you offer trial classes?

Yes! Please call our office to schedule a free class for your child/children.


What do I do if the class I want to register for is FULL?

You can be placed on a wait list; you will be notified when a space becomes available in the requested class. All wait list spots are first come, first serve. For more details, please call the office.


My child is sick; can I have a make-up?

Yes, we allow five make-ups per year if your child misses their regular class. Make-up classes do not expire and we are able to track your child's missed classes through their instructors attendance sheets. All make-ups must be scheduled through the office. Please call the office to reserve a make-up date.


Do you offer sibling discounts?

Yes! Discounts vary by the number of children, number of classes taken per week and the type of class. For specific pricing please call the office.


Do I need to be a member of the gym to attend Open Gym?

No, Open Gym does not require pre-registration; just come in! Open Gym for non-members costs $20 per session. If you want to register your child for open gym (pay $40 gym registration fee), your child would pay member fees of $15 per session for open gym.


How do I know if the gym has been closed for inclement weather/an emergency?

If the gym is closed for any weather related reason or emergency, the answering machine (908-359-6582) and website homepage will be updated by 2 pm. If Hillsborough school's are closed for inclement weather, all morning classes will be cancelled. Note that if school is closed, classes are NOT necessarily cancelled and if school is open, classes can still be cancelled as most daily practices do not begin until after 4 pm.


When is tuition due? How can I pay tuition?

Tuition is due during the first two weeks of each month. Past due letters will be sent on the 15th of each month.


We accept cash, check and credit card (Visa, Mastercard and Discover) payments. We can also auto charge your account using a credit card. Auto charges are automatically run on the 1st of each month. If you wish to have your account auto charged, please see the office.


Can I get a refund or credit on my tuition payment?

When registering your child, payment for registration fee and first and last month tuition is required. This payment cannot be refunded. If your child is injured and is not able to attend gymnastics, a doctors note is needed for an account credit.


Birthday party deposits are non-refundable.


How do I know what class level is right for my child?

Our recreation classes are set-up according to age.


3 years old (instructor approval needed)
4 years old (pre-schoolers)
5-6 years old (kindergartners)
6-7 years old
8-9 years old
10+ years old

Your child should join the class best suited to their age. If a child is too advanced for their class, an instructor can recommend to move your child up to an older age group or to an invited class or pre-team/team.

Your child will be evaluated at the end of each year and will receive a report card noting what class they should enroll in the following year.


My child wants to be in an advanced class/team; how do I know if she is ready?

DC Gymnastics offers numerous team and pre-team options for girls. Unfortunately, at this time we do not have a boys team.


If your child is interested, please speak with your child's instructor. They will be able to give you the best information in regards to your child's ability and potential. If the instructor thinks your child is ready, we will schedule a time for your child to tryout.


Depending on the class or team, we only move gymnasts up at certain times during the year - usually in January, May or September.


My child wants to have a birthday party at DC Gymnastics; what will they do?

All birthday parties are one and a half hours long - one hour of gymnastics and a half an hour in the party room.

All birthday parties follow the same basic structure:

Warm-up - first 5 minutes
Obstacle course - 10 minutes
Tumbl Trak - 10 minutes
Trampoline - 10 minutes
Parachute - 10 minutes
Various other activities (ropes, cargo net, rock wall, pit, zip line) - 15 minutes


Parents are responsible for providing their own invitations, decorations, refreshments and goody bags. For more information on birthday parties CLICK HERE.


My child does not want to attend classes anymore; how can I drop a class?

You must notify the office of your decision to drop class 30 days before your childs last class. When registering for class, your last month's non-refundable deposit is paid (in addition to your first month's tuition and registration fee). If you fail to notify the office of your decision to drop a class, you will lose your last month's deposit.


Do I have to stay during my child's class?

No. However, the gym has free wi-fi and a party room that is frequently used for homework, work, etc.


What will my child do in class?

All classes follow the same basic structure:

Warm-up - first 10 minutes
Olympic Event #1 - 15 minutes
Olympic Event #2 - 15 minutes
Olympic Event #3 - 15 minutes
Conditioning/fun activity - 5 minutes


There are six events in the gym - uneven bars, balance beam, vault, floor, trampoline and Tumbl Trak. Classes rotate events focusing on three events one week and the other three events the following week.


What is a cheer tumble class?

Cheer tumble classes are great for cheerleaders, dancers or anyone looking to work on their tumbling skills. The class focuses on floor skills and uses the trampoline and Tumbl Trak to help teach and master skills like back handsprings and various running tumbling passes. Students will not use the uneven bars, balance beam or vault at all in this class. Dances, cheers, jumps and stunting are NOT taught/worked on in a cheer tumble class.


1.补课: 补课只允许在本学期内进行,若有客观原因需跨学期补课,若受伤与伤病,须有医生的诊断证明,并需要俱乐部经理批准。除了受伤外,俱乐部不接受跨学年的补课。补课须预先通知前台并获同意。若本俱乐部课时有限,找不到合适的补课时间,可到gk的其他俱乐部补课,即gK各俱乐部的学生可以互相补课。


2. 学费与退费: 学费按第一节课开始算,一学期一付,每学期几节课待确定。若合作俱乐部,收费以俱乐部自有规定为准。学期结束后下学期付费时间也是第一节课前付,没有付费不能保证学员能准时上课。学员一旦完全注册,学费一律不退,因受伤不宜继续从事运动的情况除外。


3. 注册费: 注册费每年一次,除夏季外,无论你从那个学期注册,费用相同,没有例外。


4.试课: 新生欢迎参加试课,试课后不报名注册的,此课免费。若试课后报名注册,此课算作课时。合作俱乐部有不同的规定。


5.上课衣服: 不提倡正常上课的孩子穿专用的体操服,只要舒适不影响运动的上衣长短裤子都可以,上课可光脚与穿袜子。当然,紧身衣裤更好。若是Pre-team 高级班的孩子,建议穿体操服。



这取决于水平,专业运动员是易受伤的,但我们的Pre-team 与快乐体操基本上属于大众体育中基本体操的范畴,没有任何证据表明,它比其他体育项目更易受伤,相反,我们25多年的国内外实践证明,低水平基本体操强调的是运动能力与培养心理素质,而不是高难动作,再加上训练场所的各地保护措施,及教师的安全意识都保证了安全。同时,参加体操本身就是一个学习自我保护的过程,从不同器材,不同高度与时间, 以不同动作与方式落地,学生学会了安全的着陆方法并提高了自我掌控的能力。









对于5岁以下的孩子,参与过程更重要,这个年龄段主要是学习课堂的行为规则与发掘潜在的运动能力为主,上课的内容以孩子夭生的基本自然运动方法为主,所以不注重动作本身与技术的掌握,有特殊天赋的孩子除外。6岁以上我们要求学会并掌握一定的基本动作, 也注意动作技术要素,学习体操基本技能,因而会两者兼顾。 



参加一年的课程效果比较好,因为一年內除了掌握基本技能外,还有机会体验这一年中的系统课程, 学会锻炼身体的基本方法, 及有助养成良好的锻炼意识与习惯, 所以一年是个基本期。当然,孩子不喜欢另当别论,或者要深化学习与训练的孩子更需每周多次来上课,并坚持长久的训练才能有大的成长进步。



由于运动能力所限,及上课时间的限制,在进步不大的情况下,反复重复练习是正常的教学,这个练习过程对于运动能力的提高起着同样的作用,课程的进程完全基于运动能力与安全的考虑,若两者都具备,会安排新的教学内容。体操有一套供学习与练习的动作与技术进阶体系,其每个阶段都有其特殊的对身体与心理素质的要求,所以必须依学生能力施教。另外,学习动作需经历尝试,练习与掌握的一个过程,重复练习是必要的,这个过程本身就是锤炼意志的过程 。






快乐体操欢迎每个孩子参与,我们的宗旨是让他们都能亭受这项运动的乐趣, 虽然每周一个小时的课时对减重或增胖效果有限,但体操对其躯干上下肢的力量发展,协调与灵敏效果显著,这些都是孩子所欠缺的。实际上,基本体操许多都是体适能的内容,更适合在这方面有需求的孩子, 也就是说体操是最全面的体适能训练项目。












孩子参加Pre-team 后, 经过适当的训练与准备,即可参加比赛。我们鼓励Pre-team 学生参加比赛,充分利用这个展示天赋表达自我的平台,开阔眼界,激发自己的竞争力与上进心.








20.Finess is a life style。


Gymnastice is all about having fun, getting fit, and learning fundamental skills which promote flexibility, strength and balance. Our American-style recreational programs are suitable for Children of all ages and body types.                  


Passion and joy for the sport is what we all have in common and we are excited in  being part of your child's athletic joumey.

908- 359-6582  3 Jill Court | Bldg 15 - Unit 25 | Hillsborough, NJ 08844 

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